What We Do

It’s difficult to land a job in today’s harsh market. Corporations often favor younger applicants over experienced midlife professionals. Operation Boomerang offers resources and support that help the jobless find their way back to meaningful employment.

We have five areas of focus:

  • OpBoom Corporate Certification & Talent Directory – partner with and promote companies that agree to adhere to OpBoom hiring principles
  • Advocacy & Awareness – public relations, political/corporate outreach and social media campaigns
  • Employment Readiness – résumé and online presence refinement
  • Career Counseling & Emotional Support – guidance and online community
  • Online Training Subsidies  sponsorships of skills development on a case by case basis

Are you unemployed?
We help you market yourself so you can gain a competitive edge when searching for work.

Does your résumé need a makeover? Most likely, it does. Your résumé should reflect your personal brand, not just list your work history. We sponsor résumé and LinkedIn profile makeovers, so you can present yourself in the best possible light when job prospecting.

We also sponsor coaching sessions to help offset the emotional distress that occurs with long-term unemployment. All makeovers and coaching sessions are paid for by individuals and corporate sponsors that support our cause.

Résumé and LinkedIn profile makeovers work. Need proof? Just talk to the OpBoomers who have gotten interviews and found employment as a result.

Our goal is to have companies look to us first when hiring—and we’ve already got the framework for an online talent pool and nationwide referral network in place.

We’ve got your back. 
Long-term unemployment is a journey. Like any road traveled, it has its twists and turns. On good days, you see your destination and are confident you’ll get there. Sometimes, where you’re headed isn’t quite so clear.

The good news is— you are not lost and alone in uncharted territory. You will get back on track.

That’s what we’re here for.